FOIA / Open Records Search
Track and respond to all FOIA related queries by connecting to BallotDA and other data repositories

Key Features
Easy Search to all the Election related files like financial reports, Poll related Recap sheets, and Ethics documents
Quickly find any L&A reports of Poll Pads, BMDs and Tabulators
Search the database to look up any Election Asset, History, Poll Worker profile, Training records, and payment records in seconds
Historical search to any repository (XLS / PPT / SQL Databases / Cloud drives / Network Storage) to respond to FOIA / Open Records request
FOIA Requests

Administrator interface for tracking FOIA requests
Key Benefits
Build a search solution that would search information from 3rd party databases on-demand, saving countless man hours
Eliminate paper waste and Go Green by digitizing the documents including tag-based search
Collate search results to FOIA request# and legal case numbers, reducing staff workload
Create a robust DR / BC solution that will handle unforeseen disasters like fire, flooding, etc. that can destroy paper recordsĀ