Poll Workers Training & Assessment
Digitize Poll Workers registration, training, assessment and precinct assignment
Empower your poll workers with a personalized portal where they can watch training videos on-demand and complete assessments online. BallotDA helps poll managers to assign poll workers to precincts, provide attendance reports for payroll, and easily communicate with poll workers by SMS / E-Mail.

Key Features
Design customized Poll Workers training portal with custom videos, Ga SoS provided information and Assessment Questionnaire
Provide an easy-to-use portal for Poll workers registration, personalized training videos and assessments
Enable Poll managers to review Poll workers profile, videos watched, assessment status to help their assignments
Download election schedules, attendance reports for HR, XLS for payments processing
Leverage Notifications section to send SMS / E-Mail to Poll Workers
Monitor the workers check in/check out times with a simple QR code scan. This ensures effective time tracking for payroll purposes and reporting.
Intuitive dashboard design with up to date status on Training, Schedules, Instructors and Poll worker profiles.
Manage Election details such as election type, date and time. Handling Precinct information such as address and operation status.
Most effective communications via Mobile App with message system pertaining to precinct as group or an individual worker.
Enable push notification for immediate or urgent messages.
Online Training and Assesment for PollWorkers

Online training interface for training and assessing poll workers before elections
Custom content-videos & assessments
Easy-to-use portal and dashboard
Enable managers to review training status assessment
Election schedules, attendance reports and payment processing reports
Poll worker messaging and notifications
Poll worker assignment to precincts
Reduce ad hoc phone calls and last minute reassignments
Receive timely reports from all precincts
Effectively respond to post-election queries, FOIA, litigation and departmental audits
Key Benefits
Prepare well ahead of the time for the Elections through qualified Poll Workers.
Reduce unnecessary phone calls on the Election Day, last minute reassignments to precincts.
Reduce the Election day hassles of manually tracking Poll Workers attendance with our robust Attendance Kiosk.
Contact quickly via SMS (text) or email any individual poll worker, one precinct’s poll workers, or all your poll workers at one time.
Leverage the audit log to effectively respond to post-election queries, FOIA, litigation, and departmental audits.
Keeping track of Poll workers approvals, precinct assignment, training status and acceptance. Customizable and easy import of poll workers details.
Efficient communication with Poll workers, creating templates to send notifications, email and SMS. Keeping track of the notification logs.
Easy to access training videos for viewing at your own pace. And get your essential queries answered with hands on FAQs.
Establish training requirements and modules, schedule training sessions, and verify completion and certification through the system’s robust reporting capabilities.
Attendance Kiosk

Interface for logging in/checking out poll workers and tracking attendance/availability
Track attendance
View live updates of poll worker status from the county offices
Track accurate IN/OUT times for payroll calculations
Quickly setup a Polling location kiosk
Scan QR codes for instant poll worker check-ins
Get Print-Ready PDF files
Access easily on Tablets, Laptops & Mobile devices anytime & anywhere
"Comprehensive Insights on
training & election attendance"
Attendance during Training , Early Voting & Election Day Voting
election payroll
BallotDA automatically calculates the payroll for Early Voting (AIP) & Election day quickly
payroll automation
Integration with payroll accounting systems like SAP, Edmunds, Tyler and AMS.
payroll self-service
Ability to see hours worked and accurate pay from their mobile devices