Transform Your Election Experience

With our efficient Digital Assistant
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for the entire election process

Ready to experience the BallotDA?

Welcome to BallotDA
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At BallotDA, we are revolutionizing the way elections are managed with our cutting-edge digital solutions. Our platform is designed to simplify and streamline poll management processes, ensuring efficiency, security, and transparency every step of the way.


Move beyond Manual methods, now Utilizing Automation

Look up Election Assets

View details of the assets including the model, Slno, location, status and other critical information

Allow the user to change the status from a life cycle standpoint

Provide the ability to input tech notes and make it available for FOIA queries

Allow the user to attach documents, quick user guide, warranty, L&A reports, inspection reports, and more

Look up the consumables inventory information

Add notes about any procurement options for the given supply / consumable

Scan the QR Code of the Asset and quickly access information

Why Choose BallotDA?

Reliability: Our platform has been rigorously tested and proven in various election environments, ensuring reliability and performance when it matters most.
Flexibility: Whether you're managing a small local election or a large-scale national vote, BallotDA scales to meet your needs.
Support: Our dedicated support team is always on hand to assist with any queries or issues, ensuring a smooth and trouble-free experience.

Key Features

User-Friendly Interface

BallotDA boasts an intuitive, user-friendly interface that makes it easy for election officials to manage all aspects of poll operations, from onboarding and training to precinct assignments and payroll.

Comprehensive Tools

Our platform provides a comprehensive suite of tools that facilitate the seamless management of poll workers, ensuring all tasks are handled efficiently and securely.

Enhanced Security

With a strong focus on confidentiality and security, BallotDA ensures that all information, including poll worker data, is protected. Our platform meets stringent security standards to safeguard sensitive information.

Real-Time Tracking

Keep track of all election-related activities in real-time. BallotDA allows election officials to monitor training sessions, manage assignments, and oversee payroll processes with ease and accuracy.

Efficient Process Management

By automating mundane and repetitive tasks, BallotDA improves operational efficiency, allowing election officials to focus on more critical aspects of election management.

Poll Worker Management

Effectively manage your poll workers from recruitment to payroll with BallotDA. Our platform simplifies onboarding, training, assignment, and communication, ensuring your team is well-prepared and coordinated.

FOIA Compliance

BallotDA simplifies Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by organizing and providing easy access to the necessary records. Our platform ensures that all documentation is stored securely and can be retrieved quickly, ensuring compliance and transparency.

Asset Management

Effectively manage and track all election-related assets with BallotDA’s comprehensive asset management tools. From voting machines to training materials, our platform helps you keep everything organized and accounted for.

Voter Data Analysis

Are you working for a state or local agency?

Sonline aids local and state agencies in enhancing electoral participation by analyzing voter demographics and behavior. This analysis helps in resource allocation, such as polling stations and voter education programs, and in developing personalized communication strategies. Post-election feedback and data-driven insights allow for continuous improvement and policy alignment with community needs.

Are you running for office? Are you managing a campaign?

Maximize your campaign’s potential with our bespoke voter data analysis service, combining advanced machine learning with real-time insights and custom dashboards. With predictive analytics, robust security, seamless integration, and comprehensive training, Sonline enables data-driven decisions to optimize outreach and boost voter engagement.

Voter data interface utilizing machine learning for optimization of voter encouragement

Watch to learn how BallotDA can
assist your elections team
Home Page

Poll Worker

Enable Online portal for Poll Workers for Training & Assessments

Absentee Ballot

Digitize, Track and Report status of Absentee Ballots & comply with State regulations


Manage Election Assets, consumables and document L&A results


Expedite Open Records / FOIA response and improve efficiency & customer statisfaction

Some of our clients

Empower Your Team to

Recruit, Train, Certify and schedule poll officials

Manage Kiosk Attendance and automate payroll handoff

Discover, Track election assets from a life cycle standpoint

Handle supply checklists, inventory and manage supplies

Create and publish Election Preparedness Dashboard

Receive FOIA requests, track notes and respond efficiently

Create actionable charts, visualization to help with elections

What Our Clients Say

Experience the BallotDA Advantage

Ready to transform your election management process? Contact us today to learn more about how BallotDA can support your efforts to ensure a smooth, efficient, and secure election.